Friday, July 3, 2009


The movie, "Persepolis" is about the story of a hard-core and premodern in Iran. It is narrating the effects of premodern Islam in a little girl, named Marjane, with a nickname called Marji. She had experienced the Iran war between the communist and the dictator.
According to Mahmood Mamdani, a writer of "Good Muslims, Bad Muslims", stated that premodern Islam didn't have the appreciation for human life, including their own. In my point of views, I do agree with this statement. In "Persepolis", one of the young adult who involved in a demonstration was shot dead by the security police. The young adult was only 20 years old, and the security police shot him. In Mahmood’s article, he quoted Huntington, which the role of Islam was enemy civilization, and from this statement, it means that Muslims were only bad. In my views, I am strongly agreed with this statement. Based on the “Persepolis”, the war occurred between Muslims and Muslims. Both of the parties are Muslims, but why they wanted to provoke a war and killed their own kind? Why they cannot solve the problem peacefully and stop the war? Once the conflict occurred, the Muslims used the violence way, which was provoking a war in order to solve the problem. They didn’t realize that the war was not worthy and it would only scarify the innocent human life. They were ignoring the human life and treated human life as nothing. From here, Muslims were bad and they didn’t have the appreciation for human life.
Apart from that, Mahmood also quoted from the pages of the New York Times that good Muslims are modern, secular, and westernized, but bad Muslims are doctrinal, antimodern and virulent. I did agree with this statement. In “Persepolis”, Mardi was a western-minded girl. She hated to wear scarf. However, she had to wear it because the Iran government was practicing strict Islamic. If she provoked, she might get caught. There was a scene where she was having a party with guys, but ended up get caught by the police. From here, it was very obvious that the antimodern was a threat for freedom of expression for a Muslim. Mardi’s country, which was Iran was practicing antimodern and resistant to be modern. However, not every Muslims in Iran were antimodern. Some of them were westernized. Thus, for the western-minded Muslims, they were not able to get used to it. In “Persepolis”, Mardi was psychologically affected by doctrinal Muslims policy in her country. She felt depressed and tried to suicide.
In short, in my points of views, through “Persepolis”, bad Muslims can be defined as antimodern, and they didn’t have appreciation for human life. They would go to the extreme and willing to do anything, include scarifying the human life in order to exercise their religion.


  1. I think you have misunderstood what Mahmood was trying to say. He implied, in my own opinion, that the West termed Muslims who practised Islam in its theory form as bad, but those who have westernised their behaviour as the good ones. But there is no good or bad Muslim and Islam should not seen as political and their quarrel is not political but cultural. That's just my opinion anyway.

  2. Krobo is correct: you have misunderstood Mamdani's essay.
